This was such a cute and quick read.

Rating: 4/5
Everyone’s favorite singing sensation is back with a brand new song, in a brand new city… but this time, he’s got a girlfriend.
James Letta has been dating the girl in white who calls herself Spirit, and takes her on the road with him where they kick off the first day of tour in London, England. But when a romantic end to the night turns a little too truthful and Spirit’s magic gets the brunt, Spirit sends them magically back to the start of the day; a day they must relive until they make a choice: Spirit’s powers, or their love?
In just over 7,500 words, Ashley Amber’s sequel to The Flip Side of Sad can only be described as “Back to the Future meets Groundhog Day;” a story of a young couple repeatedly reliving their first day on tour after discovering the power of love.
I received an ARC of The Flip Side of Love from the author, herself in return for an honest review. Thank you so much! I truly enjoyed reading this one!
I read The Flip Side of Sad, the book before this one, The Flip Side of Love. And it was so cute to see this story continued! In the first one, we follow a cute story with a deeper meaning to remind us that we won’t always have good days. You can check out my full review of The Flip Side of Sad here.
We follow the same struggling singer from before. But now he’s happier and on the side of love with his new girlfriend! However, things get interesting when they start “groundhog daying” the first day of his new tour. Repeating this same day over and over until the two love birds make a hard decision about their relationship.
This was such a cute and quick read. It was obvious to me how it would end. But even knowing that, when we finally got there, it took me by surprise with an unexpected twist! Which I was more than happy to see. And based on the twist we see, I don’t think we’re quite done following these two birds.
It was obvious to me how it would end. But even knowing that, when we finally got there, it took me by surprise with an unexpected twist!
Overall, while a bit predictable, I found this to be just as enjoyable as its predecessor. It’s a very cute read. The pacing was great and I loved the twist that caught me by surprise. I hope to see more from Amber in the future!
I recommend both The Flip Side of Sad and now The Flip Side of Love to anyone who enjoys short stories and cute urban fantasy romances.