Oh, Daemon. You’re cute and very infuriating...
Here we go again with our favorite alien human couple! Katy and Daemon!

Rating: 5/5
This is the second book in the lux series! Check out my review of Obsidian here!
There are parts about this book I enjoyed in this second book more than I did in the first book and vice versa. Overall though, I think I prefer the first book over this one. Mainly because the ending isn’t so depressing…
I honestly don’t have a whole lot to say about this sequel. I love this series and I can’t wait to read the next book. Literally so addictive! I didn’t fully agree with the events that took place in Onyx. I’m curious how things will play out in the next book. I already know Daemon and Katy have a lot more hoops to jump through before they’ll be happy. I can’t wait to see their relationship grow.
I love this series and I can’t wait to read the next book. Literally so addictive!
I read this book in two days. Half on one day, the second half on the other. I just could not put this down. Just like with the first book, I was completely captivated by this story. It’s been so long since a book has made me want to just ignore everything else and just read.
I’m limiting myself to one of these books a month, in an attempt to make the series last just a little longer. Which you have no idea how hard I’m struggling with forcing myself not to pick up that next book right now. It’s taunting me as I type this review! See you in August, Daemon!
Keep reading for more of my thoughts on Onyx :)
WARNING! Spoilers :)
I prefer in this book the steps Daemon and Katy’s relationships gain throughout. They finally open up to each other about their feelings. No longer bouncing around the subject or blaming their not alien connection. I especially love how Daemon gets very public with cute gifts in an attempt to prove to Katy he likes her beyond their alien connection. I truly loved the first gift of the single rose.
Although I said I enjoyed the first book more, I do love this Daemon more. He’s a much nicer guy as now he’s no longer trying to push Katy out of his and Dee’s life. He’s opening up to the possibility of a future relationship together and wants to be with her. I definitely fell so much harder for Daemon in this book. Especially as I read his point of view of the lake scene at the beginning of the book when Katy was sick. I literally was like a little girl screaming to myself. He’s such a caring guy more than he lets us believe. When we get to see inside his head, he’s such a remarkably nice super hot guy.
He’s a much nicer guy as now he’s no longer trying to push Katy out of his and Dee’s life.
I also admire how Daemon acts like a gentleman and stops them from having sex near the end. Saying that he wants to “do this the right. Be like normal couples.” I truly admired this from Daemon. He didn’t just take what he wanted. He wanted to earn it. I think it’ll be much better for them both in the long run after seeing this from Daemon.
I can’t help but basically hate all the additional characters we meet in this sequel. Blake... Will - even though we technically meet him in the first book, he’s more pronounced in this second book… And all the DOD guys… They all just suck the fun out of everything.
I will say though, my favorite part of this whole book is when Daemon basically hijacks Katy’s book blog. Insisting he help her create her next video. I love how he jokingly says he should appear as the guy on the cover. And comments about each of the books before handing them to her. Then later when Katy goes back to check for any comments, they were more about her assistant than any of the books she spoke about. Truly loved this scene!
This is the second book in the lux series! Check out my review of Obsidian here!