Three Holiday Romances

Rating: 3/5
A Christmas Eve snowstorm transforms one small town into a romantic haven, the kind you see only in movies. Well, kinda. After all, a cold and wet hike from a stranded train through the middle of nowhere would not normally end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger. And no one would think that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow would lead to love with an old friend. Or that the way back to true love begins with a painfully early morning shift at Starbucks. Thanks to three of today’s bestselling teen authors—John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle—the magic of the holidays shines on these hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance, and breathtaking kisses.
This was definitely a cute story collection. I was surprised to discover that not only is this book three holiday romances, but they’re all interconnected as well. I really enjoyed reading these! Okay, maybe not all of them. I definitely had a favorite, and really only enjoyed two out of the three romances. And I would probably have known they were connected if I bothered to read the synopsis, but I didn’t. I went into this one blind, I just knew from its cover that it was “three holiday romances.”
Each of the romances are wildly different and as I mentioned, interconnected. Using similar settings and similar people within the three stories. We get to see three cute teenage romances set around Christmas in what looks like a winter wonderland weather.
Each of the romances are wildly different and as I mentioned, interconnected. Using similar settings and similar people within the three stories.
The first story written by Maureen Johnson follows a girl whose parents get arrested and she has to leave to go stay with her grandparents on Christmas Eve. This sudden change causes her to have to cancel her original plans with her boyfriend, who doesn’t have more than a minute to talk to her or listen to what’s going on in her life.
I really loved this first story, I really felt for Jubilee. She was so funny and clumsy, and her boyfriend just didn’t appreciate her or care that her family was going through some problems. And he never answered his phone when Jubilee tries to get ahold of him? Rude!! Jubilee’s train crashes into a snowbank and she decides to make her way to a restaurant she saw from the tracks. At the restaurant, she meets a guy, Stuart who actually appreciates her jokes and cares for her well-being. This guy is so sweet! Jubilee and Stuart both had experienced toxic relationships and it just connected the two.
I really loved this first story, I really felt for Jubilee. She was so funny and clumsy...
This first story, for me really flowed well. I was captivated by Jubilee’s character. I was rooting for her to break up with her boyfriend because he was just a jerk, he came across completely stuck up and full of himself.
The second story, I didn’t find as cute as the first, but still definitely enjoyed it. In this one written by John Green, we follow three friends, two guys, and one girl. One of the guys gets a call from another friend saying they need to get down to the restaurant, the same one that Jubilee goes to. The three decide to go, but due to the weather, the journey proves to be a bit difficult.
This was filled with the same fun adventure that usually comes in Green’s books. There was definitely more humor than romance in this one. I personally would have liked a bit more romance. The romance didn’t come out until right at the end and it was very sudden. I still enjoyed it, the story made me smile.
Now this last story, written by Lauren Myracle, I didn’t care for at all. It didn’t feel nearly at the same level as the other two. It wasn’t filled with the same cuteness or humor at all. I found the entire premise annoying. I didn’t care for it, but the main character of this one was even worse. We follow Addie who is depressed about losing her boyfriend after she cheated on him at a party. She only kissed this other guy, but still. She deserves to feel bad, sorry but you don’t deserve the boyfriend anymore. You shouldn’t expect him to just take you back.
Now this last story, written by Lauren Myracle, I didn’t care for at all. It didn’t feel nearly at the same level as the other two. It wasn’t filled with the same cuteness or humor at all. I found the entire premise annoying.
Plus Addie just came across as a self-absorbed whiny bitch. “Oh, feel sorry for me.” Yeah, nope. You dug that hole yourself. I ended up skimming through the second half of this third story. I just didn’t care for it, if you haven’t already guessed.
But then the last chapter of this third story ties all three stories together. Which I didn’t really appreciate how it was executed. During this last chapter, we lost all the cuteness that was built up in the previous stories. It was as if they were all connected for the sake of connecting them. It was kind of ruined the tenderness for me.
Despite the last story and the weird connected ending, I truly enjoyed the first two romances. I think anyone looking for a little holiday joy will enjoy these!